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Cara Terbaik Mencatat Pelajaran dalam Kelas?

Ketika guru sedang menjelaskan dalam kelas, siswa pun mulai mencatat setiap kata atau ide yang disampaikan oleh si guru. Yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam artikel ini 'Bagaimanakah bentuk metode terbaik dalam mencatat di dalam kelas yang berhasil meraih nilai terbaik ketika ujian nantinya?" Seorang ahli Psikologi bernama A. Wang (1992) menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan menggabungkan  pendekatan behavioristik dan kognitif. Treatment A. Wang (1992) dalam penelitiannya membagi siswa ke dalam tiga kelompok yang setiap kelompok menggunakan metode yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan ad tiga yaitu:  review notes, summarize notes, dan  answer questions about notes.  Review Notes Metode  Review Notes  ini paling umum digunakan oleh siswa. Dalam metode ini siswa mencatat pelajaran dalam kelas sebanyak mungkin apa yang dikatakan oleh guru. Kemudian, sebelum ujian siswa me review catatannya dengan harapan mereka telah mencatat pelajaran dengan baik. Sum...

History, Growth, and Development Phases of ESP

History, Growth, and Development Phases of ESP History and Growth of ESP Over the past 40 years ESP has grown up fast and become one of the important approaches in English language teaching.  In the beginning 1960s when ESP is started, the way English teacher view the field of ESP today is far different than the way they viewed it in the 1960s. In the 1960s ESP practitioners believed their main job was to teach the technical vocabulary of a given field or profession. If they were teaching nursing students, their task was to teach the learners the medical vocabulary of nursing. Later, teachers of ESP began to recognize the importance of sub-technical vocabulary, that is, the words and phrases that surround the technical words. In 1970s, Hutchinson and Waters first introduced the idea of learning English through content of a subject (e.g. Economics or management). By the 1980s, in many parts of the world, a needs-based philosophy appeared in language teaching. Many ...

Should We Use Monolingual or Bilingual Approach in Teaching English?

Why We Should Not Be Strict to the Use of English in English Classrooms It has always been controversy either to use monolingual approach, which prohibits any use of the native language of the students or to use bilingual approach, which allows the use of native language in certain conditions in English classrooms. Some teachers prefer to forbid any use of students’ native language or mother tongue, while others have the opinion that students’ mother tongue or first language (L1) may be used under certain limitations. Although Krashen, the pioneer of monolingual approach, argues that the more the language learners get exposure to the English or target language (L2) the more advantageous the result will be (Piske & Young-Scholten, 2009), it cannot be denied there are certain situations where it is quite valuable to use the students’ mother tongue. This paper aims to present the conditions, where the use of students’ first language will be more beneficial. In the first pla...