Contoh Terjemahan Puitis-Estetik
Terjemahan Puitis-Estetik juga telah dijelaskan pada posting mengenai j enis terjemahan menurut Brislin . Setelah sebelumnya kita bahasan mengenai contoh terjemahan pragmatik , sekarang kita bahas tentang contoh terejemahan puitis-estetik . Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan terjemahan puitis-estetik ini, langsung saja kita lihat contoh bahasa sumber yang akan diterjemahkan dengan terjemahan puitis-estetik berikut ini: The rising sun is found not to be the rising sun It is the world which goes around The bachelor is found not to be a bachelor It is the flower that thought he was a liar The love that shines collides with the lust and desire she fears And the bachelor flies to the skies to gt the dice to show in front of her eyes. But he dies and she dies. If we can't say good bye eye to eye Then we don't have to cry But actually I want to cry For you must fly high up in the sky Leaving me alone here high and dry There will be no more lullaby Recited with a tone of shy Terjemaha...