Water Cycle: Example of Explanation Text with Generic Structure
Water Cycle: Example of Explanation Text with Generic Structure This is the how example of explanation text. As we studied previously that an explanation text in English is written to show how a thing is formed or why thing happens. The thing can be a cycle of water. This example of explanation text continues the topics of natural phenomena. All explanation texts are composed through certain schematic structure as they are written to reach the specific goal. The generic structure of the sample below is seen as: 1. General statement ; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. Do you know how water cycle works? 2. Sequenced explanation ; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena. water vapour rises into the atmosphere Clouds are formed when air becomes saturated with water vapour. Precipitation as rain or hail ensures the heated water retuns to Earth. Rain fall also replenishes river. Now let’s see how the generic structure like stated above is used to com...